So Scott + I set out for Harrods, a ten minute walk from our hostel. We got breakfast before we went in, however little did we know that Harrods is like the mecca for good food. We were originally thinking ~ What will we do in Harrods considering we have no room left in our backpacks + the exchange rate is ridiculous. Well apparently you eat in Harrods. It was paradise. Although we had just eaten, we got macaroons from L'audree (sp?)(Alexis...Miss Mascara). We wandered around in awe of the food, (have I mentioned we like to eat?), for a while + then headed on to Buckingham Palace.
Took some pictures + ate our macaroons in the park. Then we walked through the park towards Westminster + walked + walked. We saw Westminster Abbey because we had missed it a couple days before even though it is right next to Big Ben. Then we walked up the Thames forEVER + eventually walked past Tate Modern, Shakespeare's Globe, London Bridge, Tower Bridge, + London Tower, leaving us at about 4 pm.
We then took the tube to Piccadilly Circus + walked around Chinatown for 3 hours. We were waiting for Avenue Q to start at 8 pm. We happened to have front row center tickets. I also happened to do a repeat from RENT where I fell asleep halfway through. I know I know. I am just not that interested in Broadway. But from what I saw of it + what Scott told me, it was great. I highly recommend it, if you like that sort of thing :) Also so sorry for all the spelling mistakes, I don't get to choose which browser I use + I only have a short amount of time to use the computer.
So our pre-theater dinner was Taiwanese food. And post dinner was Indian, finally convinced Scott! Then we made our way back home + now it is time for bed.
We are off to Dublin tomorrow. Our flight is at 9:50 AM. But good news, we met this nice English girl (late 20s) + she told us that when we go to Dublin to stay in the Drury Court Hotel...guess what? That is where I booked our room...what can I say, I should be a travel-agent when I grow up.
And finally, side note about yesterday. Saw a Bauer (my sister's dog) while we were walking + I missed the bubbas!
you're welcome for getting your phone to work.