Jason from Canada told us all about Bottle Beach + how beautiful it is, that this would be his 3rd time going. He said it was a little secluded. So we decided to go. We took a truck taxi to a fishing village + then a longtail boat to Bottle Beach.
Right before getting on the longtail boat
There are literally 3 "resorts" on this island. The boys were staying in a 2 story bungalow + we decided we would stay in the gorgeous hotel with aircon. A little pricey but we decided we were worth it. The bathroom was like a stone paradise + the aircon was amazing (even though it only works from 6pm-6am). We went to get some lunch at our hotel's restaurant + had some wine. We got a veggie burger + stir-fried veggies with rice. It was pretty good + we were very satisfied. We then rented a kayak and got a little exercise. Somehow, we ended up falling out. Luckily we didn't have anything with us.
We made friends with the waiter, who kindly topped off our wine
Next up was some swimming + tredding water. We spent a good amount of time burning some of the many calories we have consumed in the past week. When we were lounging at the shore, we met a really nice Jewish woman(40+) from Australia + agreed to meet her for dinner at 630pm at her hotel. We showered + then met up with her. She was staying in a bungalow (aka shack on the beach). We felt a little snobby, considering our hotel was way nicer + she had a good 30 years on us. But she didn't know anyways, so no harm done.
We had a ridiculously spicy dinner that we could barely eat because our mouths were on fire. Not even sure what it was.
We then went on to the third resort all the way on the right of the beach (2 min walk) + enjoyed some drinks with our friends from before + a bunch of random backpackers. Marissa became the social coordinator + organized some drinking games with the 30 or so people. We were in bed by about 9pm + woke up fully rested at 10 am.
We decided we could no longer afford our hotel room + moved to a 2 story bungalow next to Jason + Matt.
We enjoyed a morning swim, some eggs, toast, + fruit + then decided we would go find a hotel that we could stay at for the full moon party. We left our stuff + would stay on bottle beach tonight, wed night. Unfortunately, we had no clue how far + expensive it is to get to other areas of the island. We took a longtail boat for a ridiculous price to the fishing village + soon realized we would not be paying to go to Haat Rin.
We made the best of our situation + decided to get some snacks + lunch. We had a delicious + very cheap lunch overlooking the beach. We were under the shade + the cutest little girl took our order. We got panang curry with veggies + rice + a pancake with fruit + a mango smoothie. The smoothie was amazing. The curry was amazing. The pancake turned out to be a crepe + wasn't amazing. 2/3 isn't too bad!
Our waitress
After lunch, while walking, we saw a snorkling trip sign + went in. Unfortunately the trip had already left but the woman set up our own trip with a longtail boatguy. We went snorkeling at a couple different places. It was really fun + so relaxing. We really enjoy the boat rides + the breezes that come with it.
It isn't even that hot here nor was it in Chiang Mai. Bangkok is just horrid + we would not suggest spending too much time there, as we love the north + the southern islands so much.
So after snorkeling, the guy brought us back to Bottle Beach, but we decided we needed to go back to the fisherman village to get money out of the atm. Ya no atms on Bottle Beach. So for a ridiculous amount, we went back. Ok not too ridiculous as it was $10 total, but for Thailand it is ridiculous. We keep having to convert back our money to dollars because when we talk about bahts in the hundreds + thousands, we freak out unneccesarily.
So we got some money + food + returned to our place. We made a deal with our boat driver for him to pick us up at 9am to get to Haat Rin. But, when we went into the lobby (aka an un airconditioned store the size of my bedroom at home) we saw they had taxi trucks that we could use to get there that night. So for $20 we decided to get out of Bottle Beach, because we REALLY didn't want to end up without a place to stay. Everything we read says never to show up the day of the party because nothing is available.
We paid for the room we were supposed to stay in for the night + the rest of our check. We had an hour before our truck was coming, so we started reading the lonely planet that was at the "lobby". We had the hotel call the first place in the book. No rooms. 10 places later no luck. So we start freaking out, as we read everywhere not to go to Haat Rin the day before. So the woman brings us to a couple boys who did the exact same thing as us 5 hours before. They are staying in the nice hotel, are trying to get massages, aka us in male form. So they tell us about Leela Beach, where they found some rooms. So we call + there are rooms. Thank god!!!!!
So we get in the truck + go across CRAZY terrain. An hour later we end up at Haat Rin. There are like 500 places + all are FULL. So we have to get to Leela Beach, which is a 10 minute walk. Well, we take a tuktuk, who drives us 5 feet + tries to charge us 100 baht. We end up paying 60 baht. Whatever 2 dollars. Then we start walking + it is so dark. Well, we get out our poster tubes ready to attack. Luckily there are lots of people, so we weren't alone. So we ask a group of people + they tell us to go a different way, which is right on the beach. Way better.
We start walking + asking places. Full full. We see some nice places + wish we were there. We get to the 5th place + finally a room. We are soaking wet with sweat with our backpacks on. They had one room left. Sold. We walk up a million steps. The thai guy actually offers to take my bag. So nice. We get up + are pleasantly surprised to see we actually have a room that isn't disgusting. Pretty bad but not disgusting. Ok pretty much the worst place we have ever stayed in.
Marissa resting her back after carrying her backpack for a LONG time
Thank you dad for making me bring the flashlight. We would never be able to get up to our room. And it is so dark getting here, it is absolutely essential.
So now we are having some dinner downstairs + enjoying finally having internet again + calming down after our anxiety attacks that we might end up stranded without a room. Time to get a massage...
God bless the trusty, handy, dandy, LED miniature flashlight!