I give all credit for the title to Marissa.
Given the 6:45am blaring wake-up call by the Thai marching band announcing the start of the 'silence of the monks', Marissa + I are a little tired. We both freaked out, thought it must be the middle of the day + that we had slept in + missed our flight. Because, why in the world would music be blaring across the city that early? Well no, it was 6:45 + then again at 7:45 we both shot out of bed because of the ridiculously loud noise.
Last night we went to a ladyboy cabaret show at Calypso. We were trying to find a place to eat beforehand, but only had 15 minutes. We couldn't find anything so we opted for ice cream. You know the kind in a plastic wrap. Ew. Anyways, the show was actually really entertaining because they had such beautiful outfits + danced so well. I was fully entertained, which is quite the rarity. There were men, women, + ladyboys dancing. Sometimes we couldn't even tell who was a ladyboy or woman because some of the ladyboys are really pretty, while some are downright ladyboys.
Definitely a ladyboy
Turn your head. This was my favorite song.
We grabbed a bite to eat after at a really young + trendy Thai place (veggies + steamed rice) + met a really dorky Thai guy from Philly + the owner of the restaurant. We were pretty much the only white people in the crowded restaurant/bar, so the owner was so nice to us (they love tourists) + really wanted to hang out with us, but we were soooo tired. So we went home, packed, + went to sleep. We took a cab to the airport + now we are just waiting for our flight to Chiang mai.
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